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Lewis & Clark
Marketing + Leadership Program

We were asked to design and deliver a Marketing + Leadership course for Lewis & Clark.  We developed a 16  x 3 hour week program, alongside key guest lectures and a 2-day workshop.  Amanda Hill is now the adjunct Instructor and teacher of record for Marketing at Lewis & Clark.  Topics included - as an example:


  • Women in Leadership

  • Transitioning into the Workplace

  • An introduction to Marketing 

  • The Essentials of Marketing Strategy

  • Marketing Metrics + Finance

  • Insight, Data + Loyalty

  • Market Segmentation and Positioning

  • Creating + communicating the value of your brand

  • Marketing Meets Mission

  • Digital strategy and marketing

  • Leadership

  • Culture + Brand

  • Deep Dive/Live Case Studies


An example introduction is below:


‘At the heart of every business is the customer. Quite simply, without a customer, there is no business’. 


Marketing’s role begins and ends with this focus. It’s one of the most important, dynamic and proactive parts of any organisation for driving revenues but also for being the key interface with the most valuable asset a company has - Its customer. Marketers are fixated with understanding consumer’s needs, desires, wants, trade-offs and even anticipating what they don’t know they want yet, all with the aim of transforming this insight into creating competitive products or services that out-maneuver the competition. Marketing is ultimately about creating a game-plan to win. 


Through this course, students will develop a broad understanding of the importance and complexity of major issues and challenges in today’s marketing world, analyse the marketing strategies for both start-up and incumbent organisations through real world and live case studies, help guide an organisation through the maze of disruption as experienced in today’s competitive environment and equally grasp the importance of corporate citizenship and social good. 

The course will also enhance students abilities in the following areas: 


Entrepreneurial Thinking and Action in a Global environment- each lesson will be structured around a series of real world challenges, enabling students to diagnose, identify and shape opportunities for a variety of organisations /non-profits in geographically and culturally diverse settings; enabling reflection on the socially-constructed role of gender, ethnicity, sexual identity, drawing on frameworks and tools at a marketers disposal and further shaping through in-class dialogue and debate. The approach aims to further enhance the skills already inherent in a liberal arts education - engaging students' entrepreneurial mindsets, critical thinking, problem solving and cultural empathy in new and complex situations. 


How did Coca Cola become a global brand and consistently beat the competition? How has Amazon created an almost ‘monogamous’ relationship with its customers? What has enabled Harrodsto remain one of the world’sleading luxury empiresin a world of fierce digital competition? Why did Barney’sfail? How do TV shows get launched? Why do hotel groups create multiple brands[Acor] ? How has Airbnb built a ‘customer’ first culture? How do brands do strategy in marketsthat don’t even exist yet? Navigate new gender,social and cultural norms?speak to Gen X, Y and now Z ? How are fashion brands embracing sustainability? Are ethical and eco-friendly jewelry brandsrewriting the rules? How did a beer brand become a powerful ally in the campaign to end violence against women in South Africa? Or a soap brand help prevent disease and save hundreds of lives acrossIndia whilstsimultaneously growing 46% faster than the rest of the business. 


Social, Environmental, and Economic Responsibility - Liberal arts has always sought to guide effective action that impacts lives and society and consumers are also increasingly speaking out, expecting brands to have not just functional benefits but a driving social purpose. As a result, companies are taking social stands in very visible ways. Airbnb used a Super Bowl ad to publicly cement its commitment to diversity. Tecate, based in Mexico, is investing heavily in programs to reduce violence against women, and Vicks, a P&G brand in India, supports child-adoption rights for transgender people. This - alongside the ethics of marketing - will be a critical area of discussion as we explore how they can both be at odds with the values of various stakeholders, but are our responsibility to champion as good marketers - guiding strategy, comms, innovation and investment. Modern marketing demands a new way of thinking and liberal arts students are poised to take on that challenge. 


Innovative Problem Solving and Teamwork - Students will also team up in small groups and partner with business leaders to crack a problem, launch a new brand or to investigate a new market opportunity. A successful, holistic approach will need to value diverse perspectives and skills, work collaboratively to accomplish the goal and equally show their ability to integrate business acumen with the demands of a fast-changing, competitive environment and a culturally-aware, environmentally-conscious level of decision making. The culmination of this work will be delivered in a final written, oral and/or audio-visual presentation. 


Leadership - Marketing is the area that not only aims to understand people as consumers, it is the cultural champion for their voice to be represented at every touch point, it is the guardian of brand and driver of connecting purpose to mission. It is also under-going constant change, always look-forward, aiming to anticipate the future before it happens or be part of creating it. We’ll explore what leadership means for the modern marketer and - through that - take a deeper look at ourselves - our own brands - our sense of purpose, identity and context and how we use this to inform decision making.

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